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IPB to host international communications seminar

IPB is proud to be the host member for the annual AMICE and ICMIF conference on Mutual and Cooperative Insurance Communications taking place on 20-21 June 2017.  AMICE (the Association of Mutual Insurers in Europe) and ICMIF (the International Co-operative and Mutual Insurance Federation) will welcome their Members from across the globe for a two-day conference addressing the digital marketing landscape, effective communications and making an impact irrespective of company size or budget. The theme of this year’s seminar is ‘Making your Mutual Message Matter’.

IPB was successful in being chosen as the hosting Mutual Insurance Member and will welcome delegates at a special reception on the eve of the two-day seminar in City Hall. Over the two days, delegates will hear from a range of experts in the fields of digital marketing, social media and communications. ICMIF will also be presenting the findings of its 2016 Global Reputation Report and will facilitate a knowledge sharing session for delegates to discuss the key outcomes in relation to their businesses.