On average, 70 people die every day on Europe’s roads.
On Thursday 21 September, An Garda Síochána and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) will proudly support the second “European Day Without A Road Death” (Project EDWARD), an initiative organised by TISPOL, the Traffic Police network in Europe.
To date this year 102 people have been killed on Irish roads, and while this is 17 fewer than this date in 2016, none of us can afford to be complacent about road safety.
The aim of Project EDWARD is that no one should die on the roads of Europe on Thursday 21 September 2017. So on 21st September, we are asking all road users to think, even for a few short minutes, about the risks you face, the risks you may pose to others and how you can go about reducing those risks. You have the power to make a real difference by making a simple choice – to behave as a responsible and safe road-user, every time you use the roads.
Whether you represent a government department, a private organisation, a public agency, a driver at work, a charity, a school, college or university, or whether you simply care as an individual, please join us and make the pledge to support Project EDWARD, and play your part to reduce risk and improve safety for the people who use our roads.
Road safety is a shared responsibility, just as our roads are a shared space. None of us has the right to behave in a way that endangers others. You may think it’s ok to drive a little bit above the speed limit, or to just have a couple of drinks and drive home, but the tragic reality is that these actions could have serious and devastating consequences for others.
So, pledge your support today at www.tispol.org/edward and let us all work together to save lives on Thursday 21 September. Share this with your colleagues, friends, family, loved ones and students and encourage them to do the same.
Project EDWARD is supported by the European Commission, all 30 TISPOL member countries and a growing number of road safety organisations have pledged to work with TISPOL to promote the messages of EDWARD as far and wide as possible.
Notice relating to Storm Éowyn
As property owners and employees return to properties over the course of the weekend, following the storm and the extreme weather, inevitably some damage will have been experienced across the country. Where possible efforts should be made to make safe affected areas or indeed to close off affected areas or sites. In the event of small damage incidents, please note or retain any materials relevant to the incident or damage and secure the property where possible. In all case only take such actions where it is safe to do so.
In the event of serious damage or where emergency assistance is required, please contact one of the following emergency contacts who will liaise with you.
Jacinta Gill on 086 8555028
Maria Carroll 087 7457674
Notifications of loss and claims may be made during regular business hours on Monday.