Products & Services

Our extensive range of products is designed to give you full peace of mind.

Ger Mulvaney is Director of Risk, Compliance & Acting Company Secretary at IPB Insurance and has over 18 years’ experience in the Insurance Industry. Ger joined IPB Insurance in June 2014 assuming the role of Head of Risk in May 2016 and subsequently Head of Risk and Compliance in March 2018Prior to joining IPB he worked in the Central Bank of Ireland as an Insurance Supervision Manager overseeing the risk- based supervision of a number of large international insurance companies. Ger also worked in PwC for a number of years where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and gained significant experience in the audit of insurance and other financial services companies.

As Director of Risk and Compliance, Ger’s primary responsibility is to the Board as well as the Risk and Audit Committees and he has distinct and independent accountability for the Risk Management and Compliance functions. Risk management is concerned with the identification, measurement, management, reporting and monitoring of material current and emerging risks. Risk Management seeks to protect the company’s operations and strong capital base by promoting a sound culture of risk awareness as well as disciplined and informed risk taking aligned to the company’s risk appetite and strategy. The Compliance Function seeks to ensure adherence to the applicable laws, regulations and internal policies. This includes providing direction, support, challenge and advice to assist management to manage and monitor compliance risk.

Are you interested in any of our products for your organisation?

Please contact us to find out more.

T: +353 1 639 5500
E: underwriting@ipb.ie

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